Statement Concerning Construction Crew Cases of COVID 19

Statement Concerning Construction Crew Cases of COVID 19

The Donnelly College community is saddened to hear that some crew members who have worked at the construction site of Donnelly’s new academic building have tested positive for COVID-19. The safety of all crew members on-site is of the upmost concern to both Donnelly College and Excel Constructors, lead contractor for the project. Excel Constructors has initiated a thorough 3-day cleaning and disinfecting period that ended on Monday, April 20, 2020 at 7:00am. In addition, Excel Constructors has implemented numerous safety measures for the site including:

1.     A sign in sheet to be posted for ALL personnel on site – Each person is screened for any COVID-19 symptoms (fever (greater than 100.4 F or 38.0 C) OR symptoms of lower respiratory illness such as cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing or sore throat) daily.

2.     All individuals on site will be required to wear PPE, including but not limited to a protective mask. Any individual without a mask will be asked to leave the jobsite.

3.     Social distancing of six (6) feet shall always be practiced where possible. Groups working in the same confined space shall be limited to six (6) or less.

4.     Excel Constructors personnel are disinfecting the hard surfaces on the jobsite at a minimum of 3 times a day.

Donnelly College and Excel Constructors are in regular communication with local and state health care officials and are following their advice and counsel regarding our building project. 

Donnelly College is currently in phase III of construction to complete campus master plan improvements which includes the construction of three-story, 72,000 sq. ft. academic building will include state-of-the-art learning environments, updated technology, centralized student support services, academic resource center and a 60-seat chapel. This new building is slated to be complete by August 2020, with the first class of students starting in the space that same month. Per order of the Governor, Donnelly College along with all other institutions of higher education are considered essential services.

Donnelly College is pleased to announce that we have had no known cases of COVID 19 infection among our faculty, staff, or Board.  Students were last on campus for classes on Friday, March 13 prior to Spring Break. Since that date, all classes have been moved to a distance learning mode of instruction, and only essential staff are onsite. All campus updates and operational changes due to COVID-19 are posted here:

